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In accordance with the amended Charter of the Association, notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the BAY VIEW IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION will be held on Saturday, September 3, 2022 at Calf Pen Meadow School at 10:00 DST for the purpose of: 

1. Electing two members to the Board of Governors to serve a period of two years, from 3 September, 2022.


2. To adopt a Budget of lncome and Expenditures for the fiscal year ending 30 June, 2024.


3. To take action on any other matter which may be properly brought before the meeting.

For additional information please review the documents below.

It is in the best interest of the Association to have as many members present or represented at the meeting as possible.


If you're unable to attend the meeting, but wish to be represented, please use the

Proxy form (blue form) that was mailed to you with the meeting information.

By using the Proxy form you'll appoint another member to represent you,

and they will be empowered to act and vote on your behalf on any items voted on during the meeting. 


Our Annual Association Meeting is right around the corner.

At the meeting members will have the opportunity to elect 2 Board of Governors members to serve a 2 year term. We have 2 candidates running this year.


Your Nominating Committee submits the following slate of eligible candidates to fill the forthcoming three vacancies on the Board of Governors: 

Brian Logan Beirne

55 Bayshore Dr.

Lynn Ryczer

19 Milesfield Ave

If you're unable to attend the Annual Meeting, you are able to sign your Proxy over to another member. Please note that Proxies will be used not only for the Board election, but it allows that member to vote on your behalf on any other matter that may come up for a vote during the meeting.


Brian Logan Beirne

55 Bayshore Dr.


How have you worked to improve Bay View in the past?


I grew up in Bay View and my wife and I are excited to raise our two children here. My father led the community for decades and taught me the importance of serving our beautiful beach community and protecting our private status. He passed away in 2018 and I look to him as a role model every day. 


Before I was even old enough to drive, I was actively involved in all aspects of Bay View: like many others, I ran in the beach races and enjoyed our fun events, helped clean up the beach on July 5th each year, planted the garden on the green, and lent a hand during those terrible storms. Eventually, I served as a lifeguard for three summers while in high school 1997-1999.


Most recently, I joined the BVIA Board in June 2021. In that short time, I’ve worked diligently with the members of the committees and my fellow board members – all great neighbors volunteering their time. I helped lead efforts to install a new garden on the green, assisted in finding our lifeguards, helped plan the Centennial celebration, and served on the mat, sign, and garden committees.


I also have strong relationships with Milford’s mayor and police department and have used that to help secure the new red crosswalks at Odell and Warren, and add a new crosswalk at Oakland. We are also working to replace faded street signs and find inventive ways to reduce motorcycle noise. 


I teach law at Yale and have found my legal background valuable as I work to preserve and improve our beach. I serve on the boards of 3 technology companies and previously served on the boards of two other nonprofits. 


What are your plans for the future?


My goal is to preserve our beautiful beach community and ensure it can be enjoyed by our kids – and their kids! I will work tirelessly to adhere to our Charter and protect our private beach status. 


I will preserve our beach’s natural beauty while making sensible improvements to guard against flooding and improve our community in a thoughtful, cost-effective manner. I am eager to ensure Bay View is in a strong financial position so we can weather future storms and have the funds needed to keep the BVIA thriving. 


I work hard to cultivate a collegial community of neighbors who can enjoy the beach together. My family has been in Bay View since 1949 so I know our history well, and I also have a young family, so I view our community from multiple perspectives and hope to help bridge divides. My goal is to preserve our beautiful community and help keep it on a great path for our next hundred years!    

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