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Tucked in between Welch’s Point and Calf Pen Meadow Creek, Bayview is home to about 340 families—many of whom have lived in the beach community for generations.


Our beach is our very own magical private cove, what brings us together as a community and makes residing in Bay View so very special. 


Access to the beach is restricted to residents and their guests only. Nonresidents are unable to join the association. Life guards are on duty during the summer season.


Help keep our beach beautiful

The facilities at our beach are for our use and enjoyment.

Please help to keep things safe and clean.


  • Beach hours are from 7am to 10pm.

  • Bay View Beach is a private beach and is available to all homeowners within the association limits.

  • A beach tag must be worn or carried by someone in each party as proof of right to enter and use the beach. 

  • Tenants are entitled to the use of the landlord's tag during tenancy. 

  • Any person and/or parties unable to present a membership tag when requested will be required to leave the beach area. 

  • Glass containers and alcoholic beverages of any kind are forbidden on the beach. 

  • Dogs are not allowed on the beach or in the adjoining water any time during the year as per Milford & CT State Law in all Milford beaches.

  • No boating, water, skiing, windsurfers, jet skis or sunfish sailing permitted in the restricted swimming area. Buoys are set up for the purpose of defining the restricted area. 

  • Dangerous implements such as spear-fishing equipment, etc. are prohibited.

  • There is no fishing allowed on the main beach. 

  • The association is not responsible for property left unattended on the beach. 



Every household should have a beach tag for beach access.

Beach tags are required for beach use and will be checked by life guards on duty.

If you are a homeowner who rents your property, it is your responsibility to see that your tenant receives the beach tag.

Replacement tags can be provided by the Clerk of the Association to the homeowner for a fee of $10.00.  



There are 60 boat racks available on a first come first serve basis each season. Each home can secure 1 boat rack for $45/season.


To secure a boat rack return the boat rack slip that comes with your spring mailing.


Only 1 sunfish, kayak, or paddle board type boat permitted per rack. Rowboats or canoes are not allowed   


Any boat without the yearly decal or remaining on the racks after  October 15th will be removed by the association.

Beach Tags & Boat Racks



Our lifeguards keep us safe, help ensure only authorized beach users are at the beach

and help us enforce our beach rules.


Lifeguards are on duty from 10am to 5pm during the summer season. 


We are accepting lifeguard applications

for the Summer of 2024.


Must be certified. Bay View residents are preferred.


Submit your application by filling out the form below and submitting it to or mailing it to Bay View Improvement Association PO Box 3653  Milford, CT 06460.

Know someone who might be interested? Send them our way. 

Bay View Lifeguard Application

For more information contact Teresa Sirico or Betty Ann Schildgen



Visit our Bay View Kindness Rock Garden for some inspiration. 


Or find some rocks on the beach and paint it with positive and motivational messages and leave it at are garden to inspire someone else!


Located on the beach to the right as you enter from the main beach entrance.


Created by: Lynn Ryczer



Inspire the love of reading, share your favorite story with others, or enjoy someone else's favorite read. Connect with our community through the love of reading.


Take a book or share a book at our Bay View Beach Little Library!


Located on the beach by the main beach entrance. 


Built by: Thomas Torello


Is Bay View a private beach?


Bay View Beach is a private beach and is available to all homeowners within the association limits.  Each home is provided with one beach tag and can be used by homeowners and their families or guests.  Beach homes that are rental properties must provide the tenants of the property the use of a beach tag.

Can I walk near the houses on the beach? 


You can only walk below the high tide line in front of the private properties.

Are there bathrooms on the beach? 


There are no bathroom facilities on Bay View beach.  

If I reside outside of the association limits, can I buy a membership in order to use the beach?


Unless you live in the geographical confines of the Bay View Beach Association, we are sorry but you are unable to join. Bay View Improvement Association members pay an additional property tax every year. Contact the City Of Milford for a list of City Beaches.

Where is the nearest boat launch?


Public boat launch can be found at

Have an "infrequently" asked question? 


 E-mail us and we'll do our best to help

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